Farmers, potters, merchants, blacksmiths, builders, air conditioner repairmen, Best Buy employees, those big bearded guys in taverns who laugh way too loudly at everything. You don’t have a standing army in CK2: when you need to go to war, your soldiers come from your lands. Not to mention, I’ll be wading into battle before I've even had a chance to attempt to create an heir. I've got plenty of other things to do, like make sure my council is in order and assign tasks to my court. Since Robert is Jon Arryn’s liege, and Jon Arryn is my liege, I sort of have to go along for the war. King Robert is pressing a claim on one of them. There’s a chain of three islands just to the north of The Fingers called The Sisters: Longsister, Sweetsister, and Littlesister. I should be stripping off my clothes and getting acquainted with my teenage bride, but instead I’m strapping on my armor and raising my forces. The moment I marry Dana Whent, The Vale immediately breaks out in war. Sparks do fly, immediately, not the boots-knocking variety but of the boot- marching variety. Now to sit back and hope some sparks fly! We get hitched, I get a decent dowry from Edmure, and I immediately award Dana the title of High Almoner, which makes her like me a bit more. She's also lustful, which sounds like a good trait for someone you'd like to have a baby with quickly. (There is a House Whent in Game of Thrones, though Dana herself is a character created by the mod.)ĭana has a positive opinion of me, and that's pretty much all I'm looking for in a bride. So, I look elsewhere, finally settling on Dana Whent, of House Whent, the eighteen year-old daughter of Lord Edmure II of Harrenhal, the largest, most melted castle in Westeros.